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Health & Safety

Nothing is more important than the safety and health of our employees, contractors, and the people who live near our operations. Hudbay's policies and practices are there to ensure a healthy and safe workplace.


Our Environmental Health and Safety Policy sets out our commitment to control risks, transparently report on our performance, and continuously strive for improvement.


Regular monitoring, self-assessments, and tri-annual third-party verifications ensure our operations remain compliant throughout life-of-mine.


We are building a culture dedicated to zero harm. This means ensuring that everyone at our sites has the knowledge, skills, and equipment to work safely and that our leaders empower their teams and actively encourage feedback, especially when they have concerns. 


Our goal is zero harm – no fatalities or injuries.

Environmental Stewardship

We understand that mining, by its very nature, impacts the environment. Minimizing our environmental impact is critical to us, our employees, and our communities. With this understanding comes our commitment to being good stewards of the land under our control during planning, permitting, operation, and closure. By law, we must obtain permits that restrict our impact on water, air, closure, and reclamation. 


Successful mine closure and reclamation begin with the end in mind and continue throughout the mine’s lifecycle. To ensure our success with mine closure, we must have financial assurance (usually a bond) to cover the closure cost as we build the mine. 


​Financial assurance is a mechanism that ensures funds will be available for reclamation regardless of the financial resources of Mason, Hudbay, or a subsequent owner when reclamation needs to begin.


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